The Squire and the Scroll
Jennie Bishop
A tale of the rewards of a pure heart

In this captivating adventure, a young squire travels a long, dangerous road beside his brave knight, on a quest for their king. Important decisions must be made that will determine their success or failure. the action builds until the final face-off with the monstrous, evil dragon. Only the does the squire learn of the secret beyond the cave that will lead to a joyful celebration for the entire kingdom.
"The Squire and the Scroll" upholds the biblical truth that has guided men young and old: "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word" (Psalm 119:9, NIV).
Boys and girls will gain valuable insights as the learn, along with the young squire, what it means to face the dangers of temptation and what it takes to guard one's heart from all that is impure.